Funkcionalnosti potrebne za robno poslovanje

Pogledajte popis s više od 80 funkcionalnosti koje uključuje Backstore ili zatražite besplatnu online prezentaciju.

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Product Catalog

Keep your products organized with grouping, hierarchical categories, tax settings, minimal quantities, custom properties and product recipes.

Feature Benefit
Grupe i varijante proizvoda Group products and easily create multiple variants by color, size and other characteristics.
Pretraga Search products by SKU (Stock Keeping Unit), name, description, manufacturer and category
SKU Automatically generate SKUs or set your own.
Minimum quantities Set minimum quantities for each product to be alarmed when stock supply is low.
Recipes Quickly create new products using product recipes (bill of materials).
Properties Create custom properties to easily describe each product.
Categories Group products into hierarchical categories and set taxes on category level.
Expiry date Set expiry date for food, drugs and similar products.

Price Lists

Always sell at the right price with unlimited price lists, multi-currency option, real-time margin calculation, discounts and loyal customers pricing.

Feature Benefit
Unlimited price lists Unlimited number of wholesale, retail and purchase price lists. Divide products in multiple price lists for better visibility.
Multi-currency Set multiple price lists in different currencies.
Margin Automatic margin calculation while setting a price.
Price changes Set price changes in advance.
Discounts Create one-time discounts.

Invoices & Quotes

Simplify and speed up the process from quote to delivery and final invoice.

Feature Benefit
Search Find invoices and quotes by customer, date, reference number, amount or product name.
E-mail E-mail invoices and quotes directly from Backstore.
Multi-currency Invoice in different currencies and automatically apply exchange rates.
Multi-language Create invoices and quotes in 2 languages.
Item description and note Add additional description per item.
Invoice from quote Invoice directly from quote, delivery notes or service orders.
Templates Completely customize the design of your invoices and quotes using powerful Word templates.
Digital signature Automatically sign all documents with your company's digital signature.
Discounts Set multiple discounts per item.
Taxes VAT calculation and VAT exceptions per item. Set item prices as tax included or tax excluded.
Barcode Use barcode scanner to quickly add items on invoice.
Advance payments Track advance payments by customer and easily create final invoice upon delivery.
Return goods Easily record goods return and match it to the corresponding invoice.
Copy Copy existing invoice or quickly create one from scratch.
Track documents Track the workflow from quote to delivery and final invoice.
Stock Take products of the stock on invoice approval or delivery note.
Shipping Set shipping address.


Purchase Orders

Put purchasing costs calculation on auto pilot. Easily recalculate selling prices with every purchase.

Feature Benefit
Moving average cost MAC (moving average cost) is automatically calculated with every purchase.
Additional costs Record additional costs such as transportation and insurance.
Recalculate selling prices Easily recalculate new margin and change the selling price.
Search Find purchase orders by vendor, date, reference number, amount or product name.
Currency converter Record purchases in different currencies and automatically apply exchange rates.
Barcode Use barcode scanner to quickly add items on purchase order.
Document scans Attach PDFs or scan original documents directly into your Backstore file storage.
Copy Copy existing purchase order or quickly create one from scratch.
Stock Put products on stock immediately on purchase approval.
Taxes VAT calculation and VAT exceptions per item.
Discounts Set discount per item.

Stock Control

Get an overview of your stock data with multi-warehouse option, minimal quantities and expiring items.

Feature Benefit
Real time Get a clear real-time overview of current stock supplies.
Multiple warehouses and stores Track stock by multiple warehouses and easily transfer quantities between them.
Search Make a quick search for items by available quantity, category, SKU and custom properties.
Write-offs Quickly write off items from the stock.
Stock transfers Transfer items from one warehouse to another.
Reserved quantities Check quantities reserved by quotes. Reservation automatically expires when quote is overdue.
Expiry date Analyze stock quantities for products with expiry date like food and drugs.
Minimal quantities Set minimal quantities for each product to be alarmed when it is time to make a new purchase.
Moving average cost Check current MAC of every product or analyze past data.
Purchasing info Get purchasing data on every product: total amount and quantity purchased, last price, last handling fees, last date purchased.
Selling info Get selling data on every product: total amount and quantity sold, last price, average price, last date sold.
Print Generate PDF and print historic stock transactions for every product.
Customize data Personalize the data you get from Backstore by activating columns you find important for your business.

Profit, Sales & Stock Reports

Get useful insights into your sales performance and stock supply.

Feature Benefit
Daily reports Get an insight into your stock supply and sales data on daily basis.
Pivot Compare years of sales and drill down to quarters, months, weeks or even days. Filter and group by warehouses, products, categories and customers.
Compare data Compare and analyse historic sales and stock data.
Category performance Check the sales performance of product category.
Reporting by customers Find out who your best customers are, what products or categories they buy.
Analyze stock Get stock value and quantities coming in and out of your warehouses.
Metrics Disable metrics you are not interested in and get a clearer view of your data.
Custom reports Create and save your customized reports and use them later out of the box.
Export to Excel Every report can easily be exported and saved as Excel file.


Create new products from raw materials.

Feature Benefit
Materials and final product warehouses Choose to have one warehouse or split your stock supply into materials and final product warehouses.
Copy Copy existing manufacturing order or quickly create new one from scratch.
Barcode Use barcode scanner to quickly add items on manufacturing order.
Materials cost Moving average cost of materials used will automatically be added to manufacturing cost.
Labor and other costs Easily add additional costs such as labor and finishing service.

Repair, Maintenance & Service Orders

Create service orders and track work in your repair shop.

Feature Benefit
Status Track repairs by status (new, open, on hold, done, claimed, closed).
Duration Set start and end dates.
Device Search orders by device info like model and serial number.
Recurring Track recurring maintenance on specific devices.
Invoice Invoice directly from service order or create one invoice at the end of month for bigger customers.
Maintenance objects Track service and repair by objects.
Copy Copy existing service order or quickly create new one from scratch.
Barcode Use barcode scanner to quickly add items on service order.
Materials used Add materials used for repair and automatically take them of the stock.
Hours spent Charge for hours spent on repair.
Tasks Create maintenance tasks with due date.