Profit, sales & stock report

Get useful insights into your profit, sales, expenses and stock supply.

Analyze sales and profit

Find out information about your sales and stock supplies using Backstore.

Compare years of data and drill down to quarters, months, week or even days. Filter and group by warehouses, products, categories and customers.

Daily reports

Get an insight into your business profitability, stock supply and sales data on a daily basis.

Category performance

Check the performance of product category. Compare and analyse historical data.

Reporting by customers

Find out who your best customers are and what products or categories they buy.


Disable metrics you are not interested in and get a clearer view of your data.

Export to Excel

Reports can easily be customized, exported and saved as Excel file.

Create custom reports

Save your customized reports so you can use them later out of the box.

Build a custom application

We can build a custom solution that fits your enterprise needs. Save time by utilizing the Backstore platform and make sure it's integrated with other inventory apps.

Out of the box apps
Start right away with 20+ apps available to you out of the box. Customize the look and feel of the documents to be in line with your brand.
Microsoft Azure infrastructure
Backstore uses Microsoft Azure for it's infrastructure needs. You don't have to worry about availability, scalability, security and backups.
Integrate with other solutions
Use Backstore API to integrate your other business solutions with inventory management. Streamline data across the entire enterprise.

Learn more

Advanced Reporting

Work smarter with intuitive inventory software.

Create custom reports

Compare years of sales and drill down to quarters, months, weeks or even days. Filter and group by warehouses, products, categories and customers.

Analyze stock quantities

Get stock value and quantities coming in and out of your warehouses and stores. Group metrics by week, month, quarter or year.

Categories and customers

Check the sales performance of product category. Group your customers and find out what products or categories they buy.

Report by projects

Tracking sales, expenses and profitability by project is a click away

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Enterprise Services

The little extras that makes stand out of competition.

Dedicated onboarding
Let our team handle onboarding - from importing product information to customizing documents.
Custom development
We understand that your have special needs. That's why we work with you to customize Backstore to fit your business.
API first solution
We think "API first" - there is no data that's unavailable or action that you can not make using Backstore's REST API.