Keep track of your stock supply

Get an overview of your stock data with multi-warehouse option, minimal quantities and expiring items.

What's on stock?

Gain full control over your stock and inventory data using Backstore.

Get a clear real-time overview of current stock supplies on multiple warehouses - from any location with Internet access.

Powerful search

Make a quick search for items by quantity, category, SKU and custom properties.

Multiple warehouses and stores

Track stock by multiple warehouses and easily transfer quantities when needed.

Stock transactions

Get a deep insight into all historical stock transactions with direct links to documents.

Reserved quantities

Reserve quantities using quotes. Reservation automatically expires when quote is overdue.

Expiry date

Create LOT numbers and analyze stock quantities for products with expiry date like food and drugs.

Minimal quantities

Set minimal quantities for each product to be alarmed when it is time for a new purchase.

Build a custom application

We can build a custom solution that fits your enterprise needs. Save time by utilizing the Backstore platform and make sure it's integrated with other inventory apps.

Out of the box apps
Start right away with 20+ apps available to you out of the box. Customize the look and feel of the documents to be in line with your brand.
Microsoft Azure infrastructure
Backstore uses Microsoft Azure for it's infrastructure needs. You don't have to worry about availability, scalability, security and backups.
Integrate with other solutions
Use Backstore API to integrate your other business solutions with inventory management. Streamline data across the entire enterprise.

Learn more

Stock Control

Work smarter with intuitive inventory software.

When to make a purchase?

Be alarmed when stock supply is below the set minimal quantity or the expiry date is coming up.

Customized data

Personalize the data you get from Backstore by activating columns you find important for your business.

Purchasing info    

Get purchasing data on every product: total amount and quantity purchased, last price, last handling fees, last date purchased.

Real time    

Get a clear real-time overview of current stock supplies.

Start my Free Pilot

No credit card required.

Enterprise Services

The little extras that makes stand out of competition.

Dedicated onboarding
Let our team handle onboarding - from importing product information to customizing documents.
Custom development
We understand that your have special needs. That's why we work with you to customize Backstore to fit your business.
API first solution
We think "API first" - there is no data that's unavailable or action that you can not make using Backstore's REST API.